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What Is the Frequency of Erectile Dysfunction? Causes, Statistics, and Treatment

by Author - Wednesday, July 27, 2022 111 Views
erectile dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction affects between 3% and 76 percent of all men worldwide. 3 The wide range is due to the numerous methods used to assess ED in research. Oral (PDE5 inhibitors), injectable, or suppository medications such as Cenforce 100 can be used to achieve and maintain an erection. Those suffering from hypogonadism (low testosterone) may be prescribed testosterone replacement therapy.

Erectile dysfunction affects an estimated 150 million men worldwide, with that figure expected to rise to more than 300 million by 2025. According to the Food and Drug Administration, these items may include potentially hazardous pharmaceuticals, contaminated formulations, or unknown quantities of pharmacologically active medications (FDA). They may also interfere with any medications you are currently taking. Cenforce 100 is a popular ED medication.

Typical Motives

ED may be exacerbated by the following physical and mental health issues:

A variety of physical and physiological disorders, including abnormalities with nerve impulses or blood supply to the penis, can all affect the vascular, neurological, and endocrine systems.
Antidepressants, blood pressure medications, tranquillizers, sedatives, ulcer medications, and prostate cancer treatment all have potential side effects.
Psychological or emotional factors include depression, anxiety, sexual performance anxiety, overall stress, and low self-esteem.
Tobacco use, being overweight, not exercising, and substance abuse are all associated with ED, as are other aspects of one’s lifestyle and health (alcohol or drug use).

Causes and Risk Factors of Erectile Dysfunction

Factors that increase a person’s chances of developing a disease

If certain risk factors are present, ED is more likely to occur. Here are a few examples:

Men over the age of 60 are more likely to develop ED. than younger men. tadalafil Vidalista 20
Tobacco use: According to research, smokers are 1.5 times more likely than nonsmokers to suffer from ED.
Hypertension (high blood pressure): Between 30% and 50% of people with hypertension also have ED.
If a diabetic male has type 2 diabetes, he is more likely to develop ED.
Statin therapy for high cholesterol resulted in improved erectile function.
Hypogonadism is characterised by a lack of sex hormone production, specifically testosterone. Patients with hypogonadism who receive testosterone replacement therapy may notice an improvement in their ability to maintain an erection.
According to a number of studies, men with BMIs greater than 25 are 1.5 to 3 times more likely to develop ED than men with lower BMIs.
Men suffering from depression are twice as likely to develop ED. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been linked to an increased incidence of erectile dysfunction (ED).
Anxiety about one’s performance, in particular, can lead to erectile dysfunction and sexual desire issues.


Treatment for ED can take many different forms, depending on the underlying cause of the patient’s condition. If you have an eating disorder, you should discuss treatment options with your partner before engaging in any sexual relationship (ED). You can buy Ed medication from Direct Med Australia.


If you have ED, you should avoid or stop using tobacco, alcohol, and other substances.

Improving erectile function can also be accomplished through increased physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight.

Consultation with a Psychiatrist

Because emotional and psychological issues may play a role in anorexia, it is critical to seek help from a mental health professional. They can help you find strategies to deal with your feelings and improve your sexual performance if you’re feeling anxious or stressed.