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What is the ‘Back to School Necklace?

by Author - Monday, August 22, 2022 109 Views
back to school

It’s not uncommon to hear about things Back to School Necklace as summer ends. This is a time when shopping is a common activity. It is fun for both parents as well as the kids to shop for new school clothes.

If you hear students talk about back to school, remember that they aren’t talking about a brand-new, adorable piece of jewelry. The phrase is actually a troubling phrase you might hear in conversation with others or share on social media. What is a necklace that goes back to school? We explain.

What is a Back to School Necklace?

Urban Dictionary defines a back to school necklace as “another word for a knot.” This is because of the overwhelming despair you feel when school restarts.

There are many examples of how it can be used, such as: “I’m about the buy my Back to School Necklace,” “I want to get a Back to School Necklace,” “Thinking back about that backto-school piece,” “That backto-school necklace has called me,” “I can not wait to wear my necklace back-to back school,” etc.

The back-toschool necklace might seem innocent enough to many, but its true meaning is a call for help. It’s actually a code that allows for the death by hanging.

They will be able to help their children if they are more educated about the term.

How should parents speak with their children about the trendy back-toschool necklace phrase

Samantha Westhouse LLMSW a psychotherapist/maternal-infant health social work, suggests having your child start the conversation if you’re unsure how to speak about this. “Start by saying, “I heard that back to school necklaces were popular–does anybody know anything about this?” She suggests. “I believe open communication is beneficial. To make sure your child feels at ease, refrain from judging.

A simple effort to check in can make a difference. Emily Cavaleri – LLMSW, a school psychologist and child and family therapist – says, “Parents need to feel empowered to discuss mental health with their children.” To address back to school discussions, she suggests that parents share their personal experiences with how they felt when starting school each year. This is especially important if they had any feelings of anxiety or fear. Let them know you will be there to support them and help them get professional help if they need it.

Why is there so much anxiety when students approach the beginning school year?

A student’s anxiety about the future is understandable. They are trying to adjust to a new way of life after the summer. Cavaleri says that returning to school can be difficult for many reasons. “Some students feel overwhelmed by thoughts of a brand new school, teacher, or new schedule. Students are shifting from a relaxed sleep schedule and early mornings to busy days and early evenings.

These difficulties can sometimes feel insurmountable for students. According to the CDC: “More high school students than ever experienced sadness or hopelessness in 2019 – a 40% increase since 2009”

Westhouse says, “It could be a combination from what socialization looked like in the last two year on top of the age.” Now, we can see that the 13-years-olds were just 10 when we all went into lockdown. They were learning online school and were missing regular socialization opportunities, such as sports and clubs. Add to that the many school shootings we’ve witnessed over the years. All this has an impact.

What are some warning indicators parents should be looking for?

Cavaleri warns that using this phrase could indicate that someone is struggling with their mental well-being. No matter if your child is seriously contemplating suicide, or they use this phrase to plead for help, you can see signs like: spending time alone; acting withdrawn; crying easily and frequently; difficulty sleeping; loss of interest in the things they used, giving away belongings and overall, a change.

Cavaleri points to the possibility that your child may use this phrase even if they haven’t used it. She says that children may use the phrase via text messages or other social media platforms. “Parents must be aware that their children use electronic devices. This phrase may be used by students at any age. Parents should look for such signs in their children, young and old.

What should students know about using or hearing the phrase “back-to-school-necklace” with friends?

Cavaleri warns, “Students need to know that this phrase is very grave.” It’s not okay to joke around with yourself about harming yourself, especially killing yourself. If students are having these feelings they should not feel embarrassed and seek out help. Students should not use the phrase with friends.

Westhouse says that this is a common mistake. He or she believes that even though your child/teen may laugh at it, it is important for them to understand that it is serious. I recommend you to educate your child. If they find their friends using the phrase, it is a good idea to bring it up with school staff.